Company milestones

Julian Thomas founded RACELOGIC from a small office in Buckingham, UK, with the goal of supplying electronic control systems to the motorsport world.
In 1993, RACELOGIC Traction Control became the first product to roll off the production line with customers including Aston Martin and Rolls-Royce using it as one of their first ever driver aids.

The product portfolio expanded to include Switchlogic, an F1 style paddle shifter that could be installed on automatic cars to offer the option of manual gear changing. In addition to growing its product range, RACELOGIC was also growing in size with five full time members of staff now employed.

The US Government switched off the deliberate scrambling of the GPS signal in 2000, increasing its accuracy from 100 m to 3 m overnight.
With many automotive manufacturers still using fifth wheels and expensive optical systems, RACELOGIC uses the effectiveness and flexibility offered by GPS technology to launch the first VBOX.

A new RACELOGIC office is opened in Weilburg, Germany, headed by International Sales Manager Leander Speth.
Applying their experience in high-end GPS technology to the racing and consumer markets, the DriftBox and PerformanceBox are released.

RACELOGIC are awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise to recognise the outstanding progress made by the company with regard to International Trade, which has increased by 229% over the previous 3 years and accounted for approximately 82% of the company’s overall turnover.
Five years later, RACELOGIC were honoured with another two Queen's Awards for Enterprise for both Innovation and International Trade.

Due to continued expansion, RACELOGIC moved into a new purpose-built headquarters in Buckingham with 16,000 square feet of space.

2008 - 2011
RACELOGIC continues to refine GPS based technology and releases products with increased accuracy for automotive testing (VBOX 3i) and the Video VBOX range of video systems which are instantly adopted within motorsports.
In 2009, we launched LabSat. With the ability to record, replay, and simulate GNSS RF data, it was originally designed to calibrate VBOX units. However, it’s potential for use in wider applications was clear, and it was launched commercially to manufacturers of GPS devices. Since launch, it has carved out a successful place in markets as diverse as mobile phone development, aerospace, defence, health and agriculture.

25 Years of RACELOGIC is celebrated by staff and their families at the Silverstone Classic Event, where Julian races his E-Type Jaguar.

Our ground-breaking new Indoor Positioning System offers centimetre-level accuracy indoors. This makes it ideal for applications such as tyre evaluation, brake testing, validating ADAS sensors and developing autonomous driving systems. It is also finding applications in new sectors including film and gaming.

RACELOGIC embraces remote working. The pandemic created many challenges but the company and staff adapted quickly to new ways of working and serving our customers.

RACELOGIC is named as one of the ‘10 Ones to Watch’ in the 22nd annual Sunday Times BDO Profit Tracker 100, which ranks Britain’s top private companies. Although the effects of the pandemic continue, the sales growth and addition of new products has resulted in RACELOGIC expanding its workforce at a time when many are having to reduce staff numbers.

RACELOGIC celebrate their 30th Anniversary with a party for employees and their families at a local Wine Estate. Fun activities such as axe throwing, snake petting and climbing accompanied a warm-up act from RACELOGIC's very own house band who performed classics like Chic's "Good Times".
EnduroKA 2022: Five staff members, all first-time race drivers, earn their race licences and complete their debut season in circuit racing. Team RACELOGIC clocked up over 1,620 laps in EnduroKA this season (in addition to those completed during testing and qualifying!), finishing 7th overall. Well done, team!

The year of office moves, refurbishments, and openings. While the UK office is being redesigned to accommodate more employees and support remote working, a new subsidiary is established in France, and the US office relocates to a larger space.
We launch two new products, VBOX 3i ADAS and IMU05.

Our wide-area camera tracking solution, AirPixel, delivered AR graphics during the live broadcast of Super Bowl LVII.
We piloted our zone-based Underground GPS solution in one of Australia's tunnels.
Members of our German and French offices completed their first season of racing in TC France, and we launched two new products, LabSat 4 and VBOX 4.